Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Why Communism is Defective, by Cal Reeves

When people hear the word “Communism,” a few things come to mind, Karl Marx, dictatorship, war, and innocent deaths. It is associated with these types of terms because these radical socialist governments usually do not work and result in horrible situations. Real communism as far as Karl Marx is concerned, is supposed to be a moneyless, classless, stateless social order, with common ownership for means of production, which in theory eventually leads to an almost modernized anarchist government. Then, everything in the country can just run and grow off of one another. For some reason he thought that dictatorship was the first stage to setting all of this into motion. Many Communist countries have not been able to get passed this first stage.
Today in our world there have been and there are a handful of communist countries. Many countries have fallen, while some still exist. China, North Korea, Cuba, and Vietnam are the most popular Communist governments today. The most famous fallen country is the USSR. Many others have also fallen in Eastern Europe for many reasons like economic crashes, starvation, and collectivism. In a most of these countries, the government plays large roles in what people do in their everyday life. Which I would say is the first reason why communist countries generally do not last. Because some say the government that governs the best, is the one that governs the least. When governments become regulative in the lives of the people, it takes away from the freedom and privacy of its people. In return, it can cause many things like distrust in the government, and rebellion. Which history has showed then can cause innocent deaths of the people. Innocent deaths are one of the many ways these governments put fear in the people to make them do what they want, and make sure they do not ask any types of questions.
Like I mentioned before they all operate under a pure dictatorship. Which generally results in the country going in the direction of the person running it. There is also no congress, parliament, or any type of voting causing the people to not have any type of say what happens in their country. If the leader wants to go to war or invade another country, then that’s just what happens. This can cause other people from different countries to have much disgust for these communist countries because their main goals are generally to invade, expand, and spread communism. This can also cause the country to generate what little money they have away from the important things like education, and jobs for its entire people, which in the end could result in a better economy, and lower death rates because people will become educated and know how to fix major problems in the country.
Another main reason this system struggles is because the all the people have to provide for the county. Everything that they have to do is for the country. Agriculture and industry for example are two of the things that are government controlled. The people that run these companies and farms can barely afford to pay for anything because almost all of their products they have to just give to the government. Which can generally cause poverty and large famine. In the 1930’s and 40’s, many farmers in the Soviet Union died from starvation because they would farm crops then to government would come in and take what they thought was theirs, and feed there armies or export it to generate money for themselves.
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