Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Student Exchange Programs, by Shelby Atwood

 Student exchange programs are, for many reasons, extremely beneficial. It gives many students opportunities that they might not normally have. It also gives them experiences that can make them extremely well rounded global citizens. This is becoming increasingly important in the interconnected world we live in. The thing people learn when they study in other countries, I think, are extremely valuable in their futures.
         The benefits are very educational that students receive. For example actually using a different language can immensely help with becoming fluent.  Also students can enhance their interest in global issues. As well as increase their knowledge of different cultures throughout the world. It can give student a direct look into the workings of a different countries government. Those are just a few examples of the many educational benefits students receive from studying in different countries.
            Student exchange programs also can benefit students on a deeper level. Many personal benefits also come from studying aboard. Sometimes when students study aboard they stay with a host family. So that creates lifelong relationships, plus I’m sure some students get home sick when they are away and that can develop an appreciation for your own home and family. Also a new appreciation for the students home country as well. Studying in other countries can also help students get out of their comfort zone and try new things.
         Student exchange programs have long-term effects on students. Students can now communicate and relate to others and they also develop a mindfulness of the differences between many different groups of people. Usually students who study aboard also feel comfortable in foreign environments, since they spent time in a new country.

            There are many different types of benefits students receive when studying aboard. It creates social awareness and gives a hands on look into a countries way of doing things.

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