Monday, October 29, 2012

Globalization, by Cole Meunier

Psy “Gangnam Style”           

Globalization, “worldwide integration and development” according to Whether you like it or not it is here to stay. I personally think it can only occur faster. Everywhere you look there are influences from around the world whether it's art, music, or even tangible goods. With modern technology becoming readily available around the world it creates an even broader spectrum of cultures merging with one another. 

Globalization is one way that the ideology of Democracy is spread. When most people think of it (globalization), I feel that they are thinking of it from a manufacturing form of view. Whether it be bananas from South America, a new BMW from Germany, or tea from India. I personally think of it as the spreading of ideas. Sure you can get tangible goods from other countries but with the internet you can transport ideas across the ocean or country. As a nation you can only get better by comparing yourself as a whole to another. This leads to competition on a global scale making better products and the merging of ideas to become even greater than they once were.

With globalization, many new technologies have emerged to help spread ideas and culture. Look at Facebook or Twitter, it has created a place where just about anyone in the world can communicate with each other and spread ideas. Some would even point to the Arab Spring as utilizing these resources to help with their struggles of overcoming abusive dictatorships. The abused citizens started off these revolutions by organizing peaceful protests for many to join in. This became widely popular with hundreds of thousands of protestors attending these events. But of course these technologies are not only for revolutions, but have also been widely used for the spreading of art. For example Youtube has made it easier for people to engage in many different cultures.

I remember when I was a lot younger and going on Youtube and watching funny videos with friends. Over the years I have noticed the website becoming more multi-cultural with videos. It is not uncommon to see videos from Russia, Germany, or many other states around the world. In fact in recent years it has even become fairly normal from many other states become popular around the world. Take Psy, he is a South Korean rapper who has become wildly popular with his most recent video getting over 476,332,414 views in exactly three months and still rising. It has hit number one in the charts in the US, Korea, Australia, Canada, Germany, Ireland, Norway, New Zealand, Switzerland, and the UK. These are all very different markets yet someone from South Korea can manage to influence all of these states. Just imagine if you can influence all states with an ideology, and emergence of cultures.

Yet Psy is not the only popular artist in the United States from another state. Volbeat is a rock band from Denmark and has become very popular in the rock scene here in the United States, but other countries are not the only ones influencing culture around the world. Many other countries are affected from the US through globalization. Look as movies and TV shows. There are tons of American shows that are either broadcasted around the world or adjusted to mesh into the culture of the nation. Look at America's Got Talent, many other states have created their own version from India to Britain to South Korea. I believe that if the world finds more things that we have in common, globalization will only occur that much faster helping create new and better products and ideas.

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